At heart I'm a scientist interested in the crossover between representational AI and cybernetics. As such, I worked at several universities as a researcher and assistant professor. I'm also a Java programming enthousiast and have years of professional experience as a (scientific) programmer.
Work experience
Scientific programmer and researcher
University of Amsteram / 2004-2011
Involved in several EU funded programs to investigate and develop a world-wide research and education network, i.e., super-fast data connections between research - and datacenters, provisioning them on-demand through sophisticated schedulers.
Senior Java developer
Semmtech / 2012 - 2013
PayPlaza / 2012 -2014
As a full-stack developer involved in several project, e.g., a payment server handling transactions for a multitude of banks, financial processors and transaction acquirers.
AI researcher and Assistant Professor
Maastricht University of Amsteram / 1994-1999
PhD research in the area of Artificial Intelligence. Research subject: relation of agent autonomy to cooperation in multi-agent systems. Agent design based on cybernetic feedback and tight environment coupling.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2000-2003
Assistant professor Artificial intelligence. Head of master course Self-organizing Systms.